Made for Game Racecar

Surname: Builder Car - WRC2

Class: Racecar

Playable vehicle



Contributor: Speedevil

Contributor: Speedevil

Contributor: Speedevil


Author Message

US PrestonLK photo_librarymode_comment

2024-10-22 09:47
Reviganteng wrote
Skoda Fabia?
This game has a mode where the player creates their own car, and that's what this upload is of. The user who uploaded it picked the various parts at random. Don't bother trying to identify it, as it will look different for every player depending on what the player chooses, hence why it is listed as made for game.

ID Reviganteng photo_librarymode_comment

2024-10-21 15:20
Skoda Fabia?

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