1985 Ford LTD

Surname: Cruiser Police

Extra info: Police

Mk: 4

Class: Sedan

Origin: US USA

Playable and unlockable vehicle
: Reach 70,000 fans



Contributor: SatoFJWRA

Contributor: SatoFJWRA

Contributor: SatoFJWRA


Author Message

NE TheGame photo_librarymode_comment

2023-11-02 15:56
Flippedoutkyrii wrote
Very clearly based off the Police cruiser from Vice City, so strange to see it in such high definition lol

Looks better than in the definitive edition of GTA VC
CA Flippedoutkyrii photo_librarymode_comment

2023-11-02 15:30
Very clearly based off the Police cruiser from Vice City, so strange to see it in such high definition lol

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