1930 Cadillac V16 Model 70 Roadster

Surname: Lassiter V16 Roadster

Class: Convertible

Origin: US USA

Playable vehicle



Contributor: subzero

Contributor: subzero


Author Message
John4040 photo_librarymode_comment

2022-05-20 20:17
I think with the rear, and the fact that this is based of of the Bruno speedster from the original and Lassiter is Cadillac and Bruno is supposed to be Auburn, I would say this would be a 1933 Auburn 12-165 Speedster.
KZ SorokaBeloboka photo_librarymode_comment

2020-08-05 18:14
Well, now that we got the front shot of the car I think it's safe to say that the car is more Cadillac V16 452 Speedster/Lassiter V16 Roadster, than Auburn.

KZ SorokaBeloboka photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-20 20:13
mrsalker_2000 wrote

Ok, maybe the car in the trailer is not a Bruno and is a Lassiter. A new car not remastered from the old game.

Yeah, it may be just that
I did some better research and it's rear does look like that of Auburn. Just not the one which you attached, but this one:


But, it still has a baggage door of the Cadillac, the distinct spare wheel holder Auburn lacks, the Cadillac wheel arches and it lacks Auburn's engine tubes.
So I lean to it being a fuse of both.
US mrsalker_2000 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-20 08:18
SorokaBeloboka wrote

Sorry, but my opinion still stands.
Even on your picture you can clearly see the Auburn lacks both of the features I mentioned (The spare holder with a mirror and rear baggage door)
Also If you compare it to original Mafia Lassiter the placement of taillights is in the place between wheel arches and the tail. Like original Lassiter, not Auburn. (Although original Bruno also had them this way to be fair)
The space between rear bumper and the tail is just exactly like original Lassiter, and it also has no Auburn's "waves" on the space between tail and wheel arches
See for yourself here:


And it also has separated wheel arches without the connecting stepping platform Auburn/Bruno has, just like original Lassiter and Cadillac Roadster:


Not Auburn, it's a Lassiter/Cadillac.

I apologize If some of my explanations sound unintuitive, English is not my native language, I tried my best.

Ok, maybe the car in the trailer is not a Bruno and is a Lassiter. A new car not remastered from the old game.
KZ SorokaBeloboka photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-20 07:27
mrsalker_2000 wrote

Nope, Lassiter is Cadillac, and this car like in Mafia 1 is an Auburn.



Sorry, but my opinion still stands.
Even on your picture you can clearly see the Auburn lacks both of the features I mentioned (The spare holder with a mirror and rear baggage door)
Also If you compare it to original Mafia Lassiter the placement of taillights is in the place between wheel arches and the tail. Like original Lassiter, not Auburn. (Although original Bruno also had them this way to be fair)
The space between rear bumper and the tail is just exactly like original Lassiter, and it also has no Auburn's "waves" on the space between tail and wheel arches
See for yourself here:


And it also has separated wheel arches without the connecting stepping platform Auburn/Bruno has, just like original Lassiter and Cadillac Roadster:


Not Auburn, it's a Lassiter/Cadillac.

I apologize If some of my explanations sound unintuitive, English is not my native language, I tried my best.

-- Last edit:
2020-06-20 07:56:28 (Klumb3r)
US mrsalker_2000 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-20 06:52
SorokaBeloboka wrote
I have to completely disagree on it being Auburn, for me a couple of things obviously give it out as a Cadillac
Original Mafia had no such color scheme for Auburn, however green & black was the only color scheme the Cadillac had
The distinct rear baggage door is present on the Cadillac, but is absent on Auburn
Also Auburn lacks the obviously present spare wheel holder with a mirror on it


Nope, Lassiter is Cadillac, and this car like in Mafia 1 is an Auburn.

-- Last edit:
2020-06-20 08:42:29
KZ SorokaBeloboka photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-19 15:04
I have to completely disagree on it being Auburn, for me a couple of things obviously give it out as a Cadillac
Original Mafia had no such color scheme for Auburn, however green & black was the only color scheme the Cadillac had
The distinct rear baggage door is present on the Cadillac, but is absent on Auburn
Also Auburn lacks the obviously present spare wheel holder with a mirror on it

US mrsalker_2000 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-19 10:01
Bruno is a parody of Auburn in mafia universe.

-- Last edit:
2020-06-19 10:02:30
BE Jessinessabri photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-18 22:19
Chico lego wrote
This car reminds me a Short Round 's car from Indiana Jones and the temple of doom

Well the car in the movie was an Auburn www.imcdb.org/v000710.html
AR Chico lego photo_librarymode_comment

2020-06-18 15:01
This car reminds me a Short Round 's car from Indiana Jones and the temple of doom
BE Jessinessabri photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-18 11:35
SolanaBogon2 wrote
I think it looks closer to the Auburn

It probably is the Auburn indeed, but the color combintation reminds me of the Caddilac V16 Roadster
BE Jessinessabri photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-15 11:05
TheGreaser wrote
Unplayable? This isn't right. You could drive cars in the original version. Surely you could drive in the remaster, but I hope we get more info about it soon.

It is probably tagged as unplayable because this is only a screenshot, as soon as there is gampeplay of the game it should change to playable. There is no way that you wouldn't be able to drive in the game.
FR SolanaBogon2 photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-14 23:59
I think it looks closer to the Auburn

-- Last edit:
2020-05-15 00:00:51
BE Jessinessabri photo_librarymode_comment

2020-05-14 23:31
So this could either be the Bruno Speedster 851: igcd.net/vehicle.php?id=11529
The lassiter V16 Roadster: igcd.net/vehicle.php?id=11505

Could just be a Bruno speedster in a similar color scheme as the Lassiter V16 roadster too. I dont know

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