GMC Safari

Class: Van / MPV

Origin: US USA

Unplayable vehicle



Contributor: hanwoo

Contributor: IRT_BMT_IND


Author Message
US lcpdcv photo_librarymode_comment

2012-08-14 04:40
I'm going to say this is a GMC Savana/Chevrolet Express.

CA SizSkiizd photo_librarymode_comment

2009-08-02 23:33
lol, that's not a Hiace. The closest of all Hiaces is the CH10 series from 1995 - but I believe they were never sold in the US. It is some American van, like Ford Econoline, GMC Vandura, Dodge Ram, you name it.

FR takumi photo_librarymode_comment

2009-07-21 20:54
ya une image ou on voit bien le van et c'est pas du tout un Hiace

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