1954 Dormashina D-211

Surname: D211 Roller

Class: Construction & Engineering vehicle

Origin: RS USSR

Unplayable vehicle



Contributor: Klumb3r

Contributor: Klumb3r


Author Message
UA WRSR photo_librarymode_comment

2024-07-21 15:52
Where was this copied from? something from America? HEMM or Caterpillar?

RU stratumx photo_librarymode_comment

2019-11-06 17:35
It can be noted as RRMZ, I think (Рыбинский ремонтно-механический завод)

Or "DorMashina".

-- Last edit:
2019-11-06 17:37:32

CL Klumb3r photo_librarymode_comment

2019-11-06 14:06

RU stratumx photo_librarymode_comment

2019-11-06 10:41
1954 D-211 roller

CL Klumb3r photo_librarymode_comment

2019-11-06 07:16
In the texture you can read: ДСУ-8, I found that it means Дорожно-строительное управление 8.

Any Russian member who can help us identify this machine?

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