
Class: Van / MPV

Unplayable vehicle



Contributor: PoliceOfficer07

Contributor: PoliceOfficer07


Author Message

BE 64-46 BMW photo_librarymode_comment

2018-01-26 11:05
RushCars24 wrote

Looks like it's the Merc, yep, just a Sprinter with the bonnet extends longer and given a Ford Transit's front.

Can be also an another Volkswagen LT.

That's for sure!
IT BoxiestSumo photo_librarymode_comment

2018-01-25 18:00
First generation Renault Master

BE 64-46 BMW photo_librarymode_comment

2018-01-25 08:03
Mercedes Sprinter, looks like one!

UK konkordski photo_librarymode_comment

2018-01-12 22:24
2002 fiat ducato?

BossMustang photo_librarymode_comment

2018-01-12 13:40
RushCars24 wrote


Well can u think of anything?

RU rozanoff photo_librarymode_comment

2017-12-23 22:30
Ford Transit Mk3

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