1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Men of War (2009)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Total Conflict: Resistance (2023)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront (2021)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
World of Tanks: Modern Armor (2021)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Men of War: Red Tide (2009)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Steel Division 2 (2019)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Ofitsery (2007)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Order of War (2009)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Rush for Berlin (2006)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
World of Tanks: Blitz (2014)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
War Thunder (2012)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Theatre of War (2006)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Theatre of War 3: Korea (2012)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
War Leaders: Clash of Nations (2008)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Battle Lane Vol. 5 (1986)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Codename: Panzers Cold War (2009)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Company of Heroes 2 (2013)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath (2005)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Sudden Strike (2001)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Panzer Front (1999)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Combat Choro Q (1999)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Soldiers: Heroes of World War II (2004)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Codename: Panzers Phase One (2004)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Blitzkrieg (2003)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Blitzkrieg 2 (2005)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Blitzkrieg 2 (2005)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 (2006)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Allied General (1995)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
Panzer Front Bis (2001)
1943 ChKZ ISU-152
JSU-152 Heavy Assault Gun
Shin Combat Choro Q (2002)