SCAR: Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo (2005)
Type : Course

Développeur: Milestone

Editeur: Black Bean

Plateformes: PC, PlayStation 2, Xbox

Véhicules endommageables: Oui

Contributeurs (en cours de progression): A déterminer


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SCAR: Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo
SCAR: Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo (2005)
Country Flagtwoeasy3
2022-11-14 14:59
Will be a while before someone catalogues exactly where and how to unlock everything in this game, everything is scattered about as rewards for Tours, Challenges, XP Levels, Race Wins and Knockouts.

EDIT- A kind gentleman uploaded a video completion of every race in the 5 tours. Have updated all the car unlocks I can gather from them.

-- Last edit:
2022-11-14 15:24:46