2011 Bugatti Veyron Super Sport

Surname: Truffade Adder

Class: Coupé

Origin: FR France

Playable vehicle



Contributor: speedfreak975

Contributor: speedfreak975

Contributor: XThUnDeRX


Author Message

US generalrusty78 photo_librarymode_comment

2018-04-12 00:13
If cars were porn, this would be the ultimate DVDA scene. Give the liberals something to really protest about with the least environmentally-friendly car on the planet! The Adder's monstrous 8-liter engine burns fuel faster than a blazing oil refinery, but it reaches speeds of 250mph, making it the perfect all-round car for life in a busy urban metropolis

BE Speedevil photo_librarymode_comment

2016-09-29 13:26
Racedriver43 wrote

The Cupra GT? :??:

I'm sorry, but I don't know how you mix up a multi-million dollar piece of trash with a race car that looks like a glorified Audi TT...

The front is pretty similar. But it's definitely a Veyron.

US Racedriver43 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-09-29 05:18
uglyman323 wrote
This car looks more like a Cupra GT (Street Version)

BTW: There's a car which in bodykits 2 and 4 of Zenda in Driver Parallel Lines which has similiar to the Adder and both of these cars are based in the Bugatti Veyron

The Cupra GT? :??:

I'm sorry, but I don't know how you mix up a multi-million dollar piece of trash with a race car that looks like a glorified Audi TT...

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2016-09-29 05:19:25

KP Razor440 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-04-07 20:59
Hektorek12 wrote
It isn't a Veyron - It's a Chiron
i got photos - ya'll see its much more lookin' like Chiron

Just take a more look on Chiron and Adder..

This game came out in 2013.

CZ JFK photo_librarymode_comment

2016-04-07 20:47
Hektorek12 wrote
It isn't a Veyron - It's a Chiron
i got photos - ya'll see its much more lookin' like Chiron
Just take a more look on Chiron and Adder..

And you may want to look at the calendar to prove your theories.
PL Hektorek12 photo_librarymode_comment

2016-04-07 20:45
It isn't a Veyron - It's a Chiron
i got photos - ya'll see its much more lookin' like Chiron
Just take a more look on Chiron and Adder..

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2016-04-07 20:47:15
US carcrasher88 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-10-27 14:28
Well, the matching paint color is just one color that the car can be found in.

I've got Franklin rolling around in one in the most known colors of the Super Sport, black and orange.
AU dragonboy photo_librarymode_comment

2013-10-27 14:27
thats why its listed as the Super Sport. Despite many rumours and possible rendering, theres still no real SuperVeyron
ItsaUserName photo_librarymode_comment

2013-10-27 14:14
I thought it was proven by now to be the Superveyron rather than the regular Veyron. The orange paint, the exhausts, the tailights, the rims, everything matches up.

US NismoR35 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-10-27 07:29
Seems like it's just mimicking the way how the real Veyron engine's set up

US carcrasher88 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-10-27 03:18
Found one at the location mentioned above.

Is it just me...or does this car look like it has two engines in the rear?
UK speed1230 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-09-20 19:25
There's a good chance you'll find one in the location shown in this video:
Apparently there's a Veyron parked in exactly the same spot irl, on the same street (Rodeo Drive, Beverley Hills), must be a nod by R*

MX IanE55 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-09-18 03:38
I woke up in a new Truffade

ID civic_eg6_94 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-09-12 17:32
In-game name: Adder
CA car-dude44 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-08-16 16:54
carcrasher88 wrote

(low quality) Front view, apparently.

Seems to be correct, with the scoops on the sides. Front somewhat looks like a Veyron. It'd be great if this thing was as fast as the real Veyron.
US carcrasher88 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-08-16 04:28

(low quality) Front view, apparently.
US carcrasher88 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-08-06 18:42
So...they copied a Bugatti SuperVeyron rendering...interesting.
ItsaUserName photo_librarymode_comment

2013-08-06 17:58
Well, there's the yellow paint.
UK speed1230 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-05-23 18:17
It could actually be a "SuperVeyron" (not a typo)

Maxine photo_librarymode_comment

2013-05-18 15:39
am I the only one whos surprised to see this? I mean im not a huge veryon fan but I just dident imagine it to apear as a defalt car in GTA? ive only ever actully seen One, ever, driving around on the roads of the real world... but yeah like its allready been said, that badge gives it away stright away huh, allso yellow strikes me as odd? Mabye im just the odd one?

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2013-05-18 15:40:12
PL hamisxa photo_librarymode_comment

2013-05-05 12:53
Well if you look closely at the logo it looks like an E backwards and a normal E together.
So it might be called an Egatte lol
PL Tycek photo_librarymode_comment

2013-05-02 20:18
It may be double F and knowing R* humor manufacturer may be called Fugazzi.
ItsaUserName photo_librarymode_comment

2013-05-02 20:17
3 minutes in MS Paint gives me this:

US NismoR35 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-05-02 20:12
This has to be from a brand new in game manufacturer, possibly something starting with a "T"? even though the emblem does look a bit like a slightly altered Bugatti emblem

US carcrasher88 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-05-02 19:13
Judging by the roof, it looks like a Super Sport.

ID civic_eg6_94 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-05-02 18:54
Nice! :D

UK Tuppence870 photo_librarymode_comment

2013-05-02 18:44
This is going to be awesome!

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