Made for Game Tank

Class: Military armored vehicle

Unplayable vehicle



Contributor: victorvance


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TH PikesPeak photo_librarymode_comment

2013-04-01 14:26
Kirov-MG wrote

1) Makin mistakes? Many member wrote the trie variant of name of the vehicle, but that vehicles is stil "unknown";
2) Mistakes? If you make a mistake, other members will correct your mistake. If the most vehicle in game are marked as "unknown" many members of IGCD will think that you just nothinh know about cars and military vehicles. Sad but true.

so... nothing about cars and military vehicles? i sense someone....
RU Kirov-MG photo_librarymode_comment

2013-04-01 14:24
victorvance wrote

Some vehicles were made by different manufacturers like the Sherman tank for example. Some are labeled as a specific vehicle in the game, but don´t look like it, so it would have been wrong to name them as the game does. In this special case they are even supposed to be 2 different vehicles (as I mentioned in my comment above). You see there are many reasons to call a vehicle unknown, and it is ALWAYS better to hear some suggestions from other members before making mistakes!

1) Makin mistakes? Many member wrote the trie variant of name of the vehicle, but that vehicles is stil "unknown";
2) Mistakes? If you make a mistake, other members will correct your mistake. If the most vehicle in game are marked as "unknown" many members of IGCD will think that you just nothinh know about cars and military vehicles. Sad but true.
DE victorvance photo_librarymode_comment

2013-03-31 21:34
Kirov-MG wrote

Made for Game. It's not a T-72 and not a T-80. It's looks like a PT-76 or erlier tank, but not a T-72 or T-80. And Victorvance, tell me one think: Why you post military vehicles as unknown if you can go to the page of game with same vehicles and find lokk make\model from there?

Some vehicles were made by different manufacturers like the Sherman tank for example. Some are labeled as a specific vehicle in the game, but don´t look like it, so it would have been wrong to name them as the game does. In this special case they are even supposed to be 2 different vehicles (as I mentioned in my comment above). You see there are many reasons to call a vehicle unknown, and it is ALWAYS better to hear some suggestions from other members before making mistakes!
RU Kirov-MG photo_librarymode_comment

2013-03-31 18:38
victorvance wrote
It is meant to represent 2 different tanks, so I don´t know how to name it! Suggestions?

Made for Game. It's not a T-72 and not a T-80. It's looks like a PT-76 or erlier tank, but not a T-72 or T-80. And Victorvance, tell me one think: Why you post military vehicles as unknown if you can go to the page of game with same vehicles and find lokk make\model from there?
DE victorvance photo_librarymode_comment

2013-03-29 18:34
It is meant to represent 2 different tanks, so I don´t know how to name it! Suggestions?

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