Chenowth FAV

Surname: Buggy

Class: Quad and other all-terrain

Origin: US USA

Playable vehicle



Contributor: Mark0

Contributor: Mark0

Contributor: Mark0


Author Message
ItsaUserName photo_librarymode_comment

2014-04-11 23:52
Almost exactly like the hissy fit everyone threw when I had to use a tool to get ingame interior screenshots of GTA:SA cars... which were promptly deleted. Yet it's perfectly OK to post images of cars in 3d model viewers such as in the case of Autobahn.
AU Lombax photo_librarymode_comment

2014-04-11 14:30
Chenowth FAV

-- Last edit:
2019-04-21 10:23:49
US lcpdcv photo_librarymode_comment

2012-12-11 04:44
This definitely uses the same mesh as the FC2 buggy. Which is listed as a Chenowth FAV.

-- Last edit:
2012-12-11 04:44:39
AU ALiXoV3rDoS3 photo_librarymode_comment

2012-12-11 04:40
Is this not identical to the Buggy from the first Far Cry?

Which, I do believe is named something else on it's page.
PL Hamisxa photo_librarymode_comment

2012-12-02 10:50
Front looks a bit like the Caterham Superlight

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