1992 Dodge Viper

Surname: Banshee

Extra info: RT/10

Mk: 1

Class: Convertible

Origin: US USA

Playable vehicle



Contributor: G-MANN

Contributor: PhoeniX98


Author Message

DE Gamer photo_librarymode_comment

2012-05-16 15:49
Odd how this resembles the Sunburner by Matchbox: secure.cartkeeper.com/~wheels77/products/56_mbox_viper_sunburner.jpg
US CA_NES photo_librarymode_comment

2010-12-14 00:00
I think the overall design is much closer to a Shelby Series 1
PT Ford78 photo_librarymode_comment

2010-07-15 18:49
1992, because this model only has the red and black.
US CA_NES photo_librarymode_comment

2009-06-20 00:52
Shelby Series 1, look:

-- Last edit:
2010-10-18 18:12:09
US CA_NES photo_librarymode_comment

2007-05-30 21:59
G-MANN wrote
To me this car isn't that much like the Viper, except for the rear.

yea its a shelby series 1
UK G-MANN photo_librarymode_comment

2006-11-08 19:47
To me this car isn't that much like the Viper, except for the rear.
US ProwlerX photo_librarymode_comment

2006-11-08 18:29
Dodge Viper

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