Kawasaki R143

Class: Electric

Origin: US USA

Unplayable vehicle



Contributor: TheGreaser


Author Message

UK clandohoome photo_librarymode_comment

2024-05-25 15:12
Laqueesha wrote

Washington, D.C. uses these trains for its metro.

New York, not Washington.

US Laqueesha photo_librarymode_comment

2024-05-25 07:35
Antti-san wrote
Just wondering, what DLC/state is this from?

The Nebraska DLC. Train factory in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Washington, D.C. uses these trains for its metro.

FI Antti-san photo_librarymode_comment

2024-04-14 13:10
Ok, thanks for the info! Just asking since they are currently working on three states DLC. Should probably add "Nebraska DLC" to the info then.

FI Antti-san photo_librarymode_comment

2024-04-11 07:04
Just wondering, what DLC/state is this from?

UK clandohoome photo_librarymode_comment

2024-04-09 16:55
Could be any of the NYC Subway B-Division NTT trains, the R143 was the earliest.

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